The Personality of Godhead Lord Viñëu has appeared in various partial
incarnations for the benefit of the entire world and has given instructions in
spiritual knowledge in the forms of Haàsa, Dattätreya, Sanaka and the other
Kumära brothers, and Åñabhadeva. In the form of Hayagréva He killed the
demon Madhu and saved all the Vedas. In the avatära of Matsya, the fish, He
protected both the earth and Satyavrata Manu. In the incarnation of Varäha,
the boar, He delivered the earth and destroyed Hiraëyäkña; in that of Kürma,
the tortoise, He carried Mandara Mountain upon His back; and in the form of
Çré Hari He gave liberation to the king of the elephants. The Lord delivered
the Välakhilyas, who had been trapped in the water in a cow's hoofprint, He
delivered Indra from the reaction for murdering a brähmaëa, and He delivered
the wives of the demigods from imprisonment in the palaces of the demoniac
asuras. In the avatära of Nåsiàha, He killed Hiraëyakaçipu. In the reign of
each Manu He kills the demons, fulfills the needs of the demigods and protects
all the planetary systems. In the form of Vämana, the dwarf brähmaëa boy, He
cheated Bali Mahäräja; in the form of Paraçuräma He rid the earth of kñatriyas
twenty-one times; and in the form of Çré Räma He brought the ocean under
His submission and killed Rävaëa. Descending into the Yadu dynasty, He
removed the burden of the earth. In the form of Buddha, by His argumentative
preaching in defiance of the Vedas He bewildered the demons who were
unqualified to perform sacrifices, and at the end of Kali-yuga He will destroy
the çüdra kings in His form of Kalki. In this way the innumerable appearances
and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Hari are described.
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